This blog post relies on React and Typescript, a superset of JavaScript. UI is made from events, like animation, data calls or changes. To process…
reactjs cover
To redirect a user from the server-side or using the getServerSideProps() function in Next.js, you can use the redirect key with an object containing the destination property set to the path…
Next.js getServerSideProps()
Hey developers, in this article I’m going to show you how you can get automatic website performance report using Github Actions. You already know how…
Github Report
React introduces hooks in version 16.8. Hooks allow us to create functional components with states and side effects. The useState is the simplest hook we can encounter…
react.js useState()
Nullish coalescing is an operator in JavaScript just like +, * and so on. The operator is written using two question marks(??). It take two operands. It returns…
javascript nullish coalescing operator
GitHub Pages is a great free resource for hosting unlimited static sites. You can build your Next.js app into a static site using Next’s export…
Next.js Github
Introduction: In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, new tools and techniques continually emerge, shaping the way we understand and defend against digital threats. One…
NextJs is a framework to build a full-stack application with features such as server-side rendering using React framework. Today, it has become a consolidated framework for…
Server Side Rendering Next.js
getStaticPaths() is one of our Static Site Generation (SSG) functions unique to Next.js alongside getStaticProps(). getStaticPaths() is used for our dynamic routes, with it we define…
Next.js image
Hey developers, In this tutorial we will see how to deploy Next.js application on custom VPS as like a digital ocean droplet, or AWS EC2… cover image